Open every day. open to all.

SoMa Peer Support exists to promote mental health in our community and beyond. While social distancing is necessary for the physical health of the public, the impact on our mental health cannot be underestimated. Many people, even those who previously didn’t struggle with mental health diagnoses, are feeling lonely, stressed, and overwhelmed. We are going to open up our Zoom Room to the community as a Cabin Fever Cafe—a space to drop in and connect with the outside world without leaving your house. Unlike our support group, this is an unstructured social group with minimal guidelines. We want it to be a place where people can relax, catch up with old friends and make new ones.


Mondays: 8PM - 9PM
Tuesdays: 4PM - 5PM
Wednesdays: 8AM - 9AM
Thursdays: 4PM - 5PM
Fridays: 8PM - 9PM
Saturdays: 11AM - 12PM
Sundays: 4PM - 5PM

Zoom Info:

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Meeting ID: 401 014 7880
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Meeting ID: 401 014 7880
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