If you are feeling lonely and isolated due to social distancing, or struggling with depression and anxiety symptoms during this time, please join us via Zoom Wednesday at 7:30pm to discuss taking care of our mental health in light of recent events. We welcome everyone whether you've gone to a million online meetings or are still trying to figure out how this thing works. We're all going through this together one day and one meeting at a time. Pour yourself a cup of tea, put a "do not disturb" sign on the door, and join our judgment free space.
Time: Wednesdays at 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/424887335?pwd=eUJ6c0lvbTI5aCtFWm5FNE9GcmFrdz09
Meeting ID: 424 887 335
Password: 715692
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Meeting ID: 424 887 335
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